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San Diego Comic Con 2024

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I like going to San Diego Comic Con with family and friends every year. Ever since 2010 we’ve been going. Only in 2011, 2020, and 2021 were years we didn’t go due to scheduling or Covid.

What’s been making it easier in recent years is the size of our group makes the effort into getting tickets and hotels much easier. I think our group size is around 15.

This year, and probably even more so next year, I may pull back from taking cosplay photos with my mirrorless. I think I would rather enjoy the convention with my niece and nephew more, and carry less camera equipment.

San Diego Comic Con 2024

Cosplay #

Our group decided to cosplay as character from the Dragon Ball universe. I did not cosplay, as I’m more of behind the camera guy.

San Diego Comic Con Cosplay Collage

The Good Stuff #

Before I get into the problems and issues I saw at Comic Con, I want to share what I liked.

Many comic con fans tend to be more introverted and not always open to chatting with randoms publicly. I like to chat and share what I am passionate about. I also like hearing what others love to share. So it’s always a bit hit or miss for me to strike up conversations. One of the places I do that is in the hospitality suite, where most people sit down to snack, drink, and rest. This year I chatted with a group of Asian friends that have been going to Comic Con since the mid 1980s! After chatting for maybe 30 minutes, I had to take off. But not before taking this selfie with them (see below).

Selfie at hospitality suite

In the picture above, I am wearing a portable neck fan. I wore one at Anime Expo and Universal Studios earlier in July, I highly recommend them! See: JISULIFE Portable Neck Fan.

Comic Con is nice place to hang out with current friends and make new ones. I know that sounds cheesy, but it makes anything stressful like long lines, hot weather, or giant crowds all the more bearable.

Problems at Comic Con #

A lot of people had issues with how the lines, vendors, snacks, and spoilers.

The line outside for Hall H, in particular for Thursday’s Deadpool/Wolverine late afternoon/evening panel, was pretty bad. For one, the people maintaining the line did not utilize the huge tents set up outside. They had fans line up on the sidewalk under the sun! The weather was generally in the low 80s F, but the sun and lack of clouds made it so much worse. No one in charge thought to use the huge tents! Plus, there was a random drawing for this Marvel panel a week before Comic Con, to see who could even line up. This is a great idea, but ended up being poorly implemented since they weren’t enforcing it very well.

Some vendors had lotteries so winner could go to the booth at a select times, also could not honor the early winners for Wednesday and Thursday. My sister had a slot for 100% Soft for Preview Night (Wed), but they could only handle those in the first 30 minute time slot. Everyone else had to come back Thursday, which they said they would honor. Turns out, they couldn’t do that either. Ended up being a big waste of time for many many people with reserved time slots. Luckily a friend was able to get an item for me on Friday, so my Sunday 11am slot I didn’t even bother going to.

The 100% Soft item I got is: Yes/No Infinity Guantlet Vinyl Toy

The hospitality suite, also known as the snack room, increased the number of tables and chairs in the room– that’s great. But they cut down on the amount of snacks available– that’s bad. This was the first year where the snack room ran out of some snacks. They did have enough drinks though. I did see that they opened many 12-packs of various sodas. I wonder why they didn’t buy in much bigger bulk packs.

Spoilers Rant #

I had problem with spoilers being posted for the Deadpool/Wolverine. This isn’t so much a Comic Con issue, as it was social media influencers not being respectful for those that haven’t seen the movie yet.

I was very disappointed in Parks and Cons posting a video from the Hall H panel revealing the guest stars in the movie. Those at this special panel, also got a screening of the entire movie! I understand that it was a newsworthy moment. But unless you were at the panel or watched the movie, you would have had some moments spoiled. If a timely post was to be made, why not add spoiler warning as consideration?

It wasn’t just them, but all over social media. Since I was at Comic Con the very week the movie came out, I didn’t have a chance to watch until the following week. I ended up unsubscribing from many accounts that feel the need to post movie/tv spoilers for clicks and views within such a short time period of release.

Final Thoughts #

I do not want to come across as too negative here.

Overall the exclusives line sitaution has improved over the years. The lottery system, when done right, is a great way to minimize the long lines wrapping around everywhere for exclusives. Fans are given points per day they have ticket(s), which they can try their luck on trying to reserve spots at booths for the opportunity to buy exclusives.

I’ve been going to SDCC for over 10 years now. Even wish such experience, there are new things to learn and relearn about how to navigate such big events.

The best resource I recommend is the SDCC Unofficial Blog. Their youtube channel and livestreams is valuable for old and new con goers. They do have a discord, but any invite link has expired. You’ll have to look or ask for one if you want to join.

San Diego Comic Con is still incredibly fun and I enourage friends and future friends to check it out!

Steven Suwatanapongched
Steven Suwatanapongched