Chicago Code Camp 2011
·2 mins
Table of Contents
The schedule for Chicago Code Camp is now up! You can register for the free event here. You can follow them on twitter at: @chicagocodecamp. The twitter hash tag to follow at the event is: #ccc3
The link to actual schedule: Chicago Code Camp 2011 Schedule (this link may not work in the future– beyond 2011).
This is the list of sessions I’m interested in. I may jump in/out between some sessions that are running in parallel, or pick one when the event gets closer.
First Session (9:00 - 10:00) #
- B118 // SOLID, DI, IoC… WTF? by @sbeardsley
- B155 // Introduction to Node.js and Express by @calebcornman
Second Session (10:15 - 11:15) #
Third Session (12:30 - 1:30) #
- B155 // Creating a DSL in JavaScript using node.js by @bmavity
- C005 // Web Sockets with Pusher by @redsquirrel
Fourth Session (1:45 - 2:45) #
- JLC // Advanced Android Development by @jfarrell
- B155 // How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love jQuery by @davidgiard
Fifth Session (3:00 - 4:00) #
Chicago Code Camp
Saturday, May 14, 2011 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(CT)College of Lake CountyTechnology Building: room T326-328
19351 West Washington Street
Grayslake, IL 60030