My Favorite Web App: Google Reader
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Google Reader is by far my favorite web application. I reorganized many of the labels as well as added/deleted some feeds. But I truly consider this app as my gateway to the Internet. I have it set as a tab that always opens up in any of my browsers.
What makes it my favorite is that it collects all my favorite websites/blogs into one simple screen. I don’t care about actually visiting the website unless it has an article/blog post that I’m actually interested in commenting or reading comments on. Right there is a time-saver. I can get my daily reads done quickly and efficiently rather than surfing the web for something of interest.
I used to use Microsoft Outlook, Google’s personal homepage, and even NetVibes to collect my feeds, but as I use several computers to read my news feeds, they would never sync what I already read.
Other Web Apps #
A close second would be Gmail. But lately the application has been getting features which I consider somewhat “bloating”. And I do mean this through the Labs feature. There are just too many options that just add clutter and confusion to what’s supposed to be a simple and fast interface for email. Thankfully, I didn’t enable many of them, but I do notice that Gmail seems to load slower than before.
I’ve also become more a bigger fan of microblogging through Twitter. I’ve armed myself with some software and services to help me ’tweet’. I have the twitter client Tweetdeck installed on my PC and I’m using free services through TwitterFeed and TwitPic. I definitely think there’s some value behind real-time conversations through the sharing of interesting links.