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Where is the Blogger Community?

·1 min

I recently started a new blog over at after my older sister recommended me the site after a friend of hers recommended it to her. It’s a social blogging website that emphasizes on the concept of a neighborhood; essentially socializing with other people with common interests, etc.

Anyway, I still really like Blogger, but where the heck is the community? I’m sure I can search for it through Google, but can’t there be some kind of interface that can help users find each other?

I am quite disappointed. Blogger is simple, straightforward, and customizable, but it lacks web 2.0’s social aspect. It’s just a blogging service. I have no plans to stop blogging here, but Vox does look interesting…

Anyway, here is the address to my Vox blog:

Vox is created by Six Apart (also the creators of MoveableType, TypePad, and HuffingtonPost. Yes, that is quite the resume.

Steven Suwatanapongched
Steven Suwatanapongched