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Red Dot Ruby Conf 2011

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As part of my trip back to the US, I attended Red Dot Ruby Conf 2011 on April 22-23, 2011. This event takes place in Singapore, at the Singapore Management University (SMU).

I had an awesome time. I enjoy going to these social technology events. Got a chance to talk and hang out with a lot of smart folks. I really enjoy the Ruby/Rails community

Quick summary of the talks from the two days:

Day 1 #

Pivotal Labs is awesome. So is Agile. Everyone uses Pivotal Tracker. Everyone is hiring. (Note this is meant in good fun)

Day 2 #

A more technical day with code examples, MongoDB, etc ending with a coding competition. Everyone is hiring.

Here are some of my favorite pictures I took:

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 1

The two day schedule:

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 1

I woke up a bit late and arrived a bit tardy to the conference. This is what I heard when I was registering:

P1: "And who are you?"
P2: "I'm Matz."
... *(laughter ensues)*

Pictures #

Matz was also late

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 1

The Matz (@yukihiro_matz) presenting on the future of Ruby:

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 2

I’d say about ~250 people in attendance.

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 3

We got Robin, Superman, and Batman!

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 4

Dave Thomas (@pragdave) presenting on day two on how Singlish is similar to Ruby. Easily my favorite talk of the conference.

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 5

Tom Preston-Werner (@mojombo) presenting on Github and Advanced Git techniques:

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 6

Andy Croll (@andycroll) closing the event:

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 7

The coding competition (used SingPath):

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 8

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 9

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 10

The winner of the coding competition walked out with a Macbook Air! Donated by Viki.

2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 11

The after party was at Uluru, sponsored by Github

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2011 Red Dot Ruby Conf - 13

You can visit the full Picasa Google Photos album here. Sorry, I really prefer Picasa over Flickr. (8/5/2020– Picasa is no more, updated to Google Photos link)

Sponsors of the event: HP Labs, Pivotal Labs, Github, Viki, and Rubify.

Steven Suwatanapongched
Steven Suwatanapongched