Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
·1 min
I finished reading Rework by the founders of 37Signals. I really really enjoyed the book. The chapters were concise and to the point.
Here are my favorite chapters:
- Learning from mistakes is overrated
- Planning is guessing
- No time is no excuse
- Outside money is Plan Z
- Embrace constraints
- Focus on won’t change
- Interruption is the enemy of productivity
- Meetings are toxic
- Your estimates suck
- Underdo your competition
- Say no by default
- Emulate chefs
- Drug dealers get it right
- Do it yourself first
- Everybody works
- They’re not thirteen
- Don’t scar on the first cut
I highly recommend people to pick up a copy if you are at all interested in how a great business should be run.
Amazon: Rework